What a wonderful, learning semester! I have enjoyed EDM so much this semester. I feel that this is the one class that I will actually use the majority of things that I learned. In a class where we are not really instructed, but given freedom to explore and learn for ourselves, I learned more than I could imagine. Although I could probably list so many things that I was introduced to this semester I will just list some of the highlights! :)
1)-YouTube: This was the first semester that I experienced YouTube as a teaching tool. What a great tool because..who doesn't love YouTube? :)
-Facebook: I learned how to use Facebook as an avenue for social networking-even in the professional world
-Twitter: This was fun for me. At first I was a little confused but I have learned to really enjoy it and love finding new ideas through peoples tweets
-Google docs: I love that you can share and edit documents through google docs. I use it ALL the time!
-Google Speadsheet: This is soooo cool and so easy. I plan on using the surveys in my classroom
-podcasts: I think this is a very useful tool. It is easy and kids will love to record and hear themselves.
-Delicious: Very helpful in organization, although I haven't used it to its best yet.
- AlEX: some good lesson plans and helpful sites
-Google Earth: so FUN for virtual field trips
-Video making: I have enjoyed making videos and am still learning how to edit them! Will use this in my class!
-Picasa: Easy and convenient for uploading and sharing
-Blogging: My favorite! I love to read other peoples blogs and learn about them through their opinions and ideas. I love blogging.
-Comments4Kids: I am glad that I have been able to be a part of kids lives and comment on the fun things they do. I have learned a lot from some of the kids.
-Comments4students: I enjoyed reading some of the students blogs. Some didn't really take the assignments seriously so they weren't as interesting.
-Comments4teachers: Although I did learn a few things that I didn't know before, this assignment was my least favorite. The teachers did not posts much and it was boring to be honest.
-PLN: I loved starting my PLN and think this will benefit greatly throughout my career.
-Skype: I'm a fan of Skype. Think it is great to hear and interact with people from different places.
-Cartoon maker/movie: I think that kids in my class will love to use these!
2)There is only one thing that really comes to mind when you ask if there is anything I did not learn that I would have liked to. I wish that we could have had maybe one class set aside to really interact with the Smartboard. I know that we will be using these in the classrooms and they are really neat. Watched videos and saw a presentation on how to use them but would have liked some hands on. :)
3)I think everything I learned will benefit me one way or another.
4)This class really did excite me. For the first time in as long as I can remember I was loving learning! The excitement really came when I started working on my PLN and just seeing and putting together all the resources I have to use in the future. I think that EDM has changed my view of learning and made me want to excite my students to learn.
5)This class constantly had me thinking and challenging my views on teaching, the school system, and students of today. So challenging..yes!
6)Some of the class meetings were boring when we were being told how to do something that already had posted instructions or videos.
7)EDM is such a wonderful class and the workload is completely do-able. I was able to do the workload and explore things on my own related to the assignments. I would not change anything about this class but just keep adding and finding new things to explore and learn about.
8)Am I technology literate..boy what a question! There is so much out there and even through this class we have barely skimmed the surface of technology. Do I know more than a lot of people who haven't had the opportunity to take this course, yes! This is a continual growing and learning process and will ALWAYS be. I am literate when it comes to technology but plan to continue to challenge myself and learn more and more. I would say I am medium if I have to choose.
9)I will continue to explore twitter and see up and new technologies. I will continue to read Dr. Strange blog and watch videos he posts. I will continue to listen to podcasts, explore blogs, find new sites...the possibilities are endless. I will just continue to love learning and it will keep me going on the technological literate journey.