Sunday, April 11, 2010

Time for Change

I love both of the videos that we were asked to watch for this assignment. The ZAX video just really pierces my heart because I feel like so many teachers are stuck and the world is growing, changing, and moving on without them. The sad thing is this doesn't just effect these teachers, it effects the students. They suffer when teachers are too scared, prideful, or stubborn to learn what all the world has to offer.
I love the PS 22 video. First of all, I love to look at these kids' faces and hear their sweet voices. I think it is wonderful that someone took the initiative to get this posted on the internet. These kids get an opportunity that they never would have experienced if this were not posted online. They get to sing in Madison Square Garden! How awesome! This is just one example of why teachers should post their students work on the internet.

Personally, I think it is a great thing to post students work and experiences on the internet. It allows them to get feedback and interact with other students and teachers. Below are just a few examples of why posting things is fun and useful.

A young girl named Kaia has taken some beautiful pictures and has a sweet little blog. Her father has helped her do these things and encourages her to share her vision with the world. Many people have commented and it has even helped a classroom learn about a new culture. It is so encouraging to see. Check it out.

Check out this video for another of example of why it is so cool that students get to post their creative ideas for others to see. In this video these students are getting their "voices" heard. The way they feel inside is able to be expressed and people get to know what goes on in their heads and hearts. I love it.

This is one of my favorites. This Kindergarten class shares so much with world each day. I have loved reading their posts and interacting with them through the internet. They are so cute and I love their daily experiences. They blog everyday about activities in class, what was for lunch, and even that they miss classmates that are absent. It is encouraging to see thoughts of students at such a young age.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amanda,
    I agree that teachers have to be willing to learn the new ways of teaching.
