Sunday, April 4, 2010


This was such a fun assignment to read and see! I love that Kaia's dad is exposing her to these uses of technology at such a young age. It is sweet that he sees how great it is for her to learn these things but at the same time he is still sensitive of exposing his daughter so greatly. Personally I think that the exposure of these technological tools and social networking outweighs the negative concerns. I think that in all aspects of life, concerning your children, that you must take precautions but you also must let them explore. This is part of life. Parents should take this journey with their children and try to protect them the best possible way they can but still let them learn and grow.
I love the voice thread and I think it is so cool that Kaia's photos and blog has allowed for other students and people to learn more about another place. I would like to continue to view her blog and see what will be next in her little life. It is great that her dad has encouraged her to share what she is seeing through her eyes at this age.

1 comment:

  1. It is incredible that her dad has encouraged her to blog at such an early age. Kaia is so inspirational, and hopefully she will inspire other parents to blog with their children. No one can put a value on education and life experiences; these activities will only help Kaia in the future. She is truly amazing; kudos to her father!
